change the name of my xbox profile
January 22nd, 2020
i want to change my name
is this possible/how can i do this?
You have to buy 1000 Microsoft points as it costs 800 to change your gamertag. What you do is go view your profile (where you can click to view reputation, and personal settings, auto-login, etc.) and look for one that says “Edit GamerTag” (I may be wrong I do not have my XBox 360 running right now to test).
It should be there. Hope that helps.
is right.
1. Go to dashboard.
2. Click the top button on the Xbox Live page (the one with your gamertag, gamerscore and rep)
3. Go to edit gamer profile.
4. Go to edit gamertag
5. Click continue when it tells you about the 800MP cost.
6. Input your new gamertag.
7. Preview and confirm.