Canon or Sony Camcorders?
August 7th, 2020
and I need to buy one camcorder for video editing with special effects
until now I used one digital camera casio with 9MPX but is not for video !
and what do you recommended Canon or Sony?
I think canon is better but I need to see your opinions !
Cannon are better for still cameras imo, Sony is much better for moving image – their Carl Zeiss lens works wonders and the image processing on-board a lot of models seem to generate better video, im no expert and I may be completely wrong but that’s my opinion from using both Cannon and Sony camcorders.
I’m currently using the Sony Bloggie, Easy to use camera, 720p @ 60fps, and 1080p @ 30fps, and works fine instantly with programmes such as After Effects. Canon has troubles with converting to a proper mp4/ h264 format.. needs conversion and stuff. Don’t know about 3ds Max though!
thanks guys!
Yes, go with Sony!
personal choice really…both have very high end cams and low end cams…but id stick to my guns and say sony