Can someone help me change Shared Video Memory on my Laptop?

January 21st, 2020

Hi guys and gals of
I have looked everywhere to find this, and yes I’ve Googled this question as well
I cannot figure out how to change the Shared Video Memory on my GateWay ML6732 Laptop.
It’s currently set up with a measly 8 MB of Video Memory and even the tiniest game wont play without jittering like it’s a stop motion animated movie. I contacted GateWay but because it’s out of warranty they want to charge me for even a simple question like this.
I would greatly appreciate any help that anyone could give. Thank you in advance for anything that anyone might be able to do to help.

Answer #1
I think it depends on your RAM.
Another info for you:
I hope its useful!
Answer #2
I dont think its possible, yeah you can try that BIOS trick and see if it works for you. I dont think it will work though if its assigned 8MBs probably means its too old and your BIOS might not even have options to mess with it.
Answer #3
: I have 3 Gigs of total system RAM, and according to my PC’s Spec’s the graphics card can support up to 384 Megs of the 3 Gig’s. I know that I can adjust the setting’s, however my problem is I simply dont know where to look in order to make the changes. In the BIOS there is an option to change, but it wont allow me to highlight it, so that leads me to believe that it might be somewhere else.
I might try to change the BIOS, or rather Flash it to a newer version and maybe that will give me the option to change it then.
Thanks for the link to that site. I went there and it turned out that it was a site i had also visited for more information.
: Thanks for the reply as well, however the Laptop isnt that old, not even a year I think. The graphics card was set to 8Megs by default, I am simply looking for a way or where I need to go in order to change those setting’s.
Answer #4
In the BIOS there is an option to change, but it wont allow me to highlight it, so that leads me to believe that it might be somewhere else.
The OEMs, Gateway, Dell and particulary eMachines like to customize the BIOS installed on their machines. It is possible that they have locked that setting if you are not able to select it.
Answer #5
why dont you install a video card in this laptop?
Answer #6
why dont you install a video card in this laptop?
To be completely honest I was so consumed by trying to get the memory upped on the one that is built in that I really never gave it any thought. I honestly didnt know that I could just install a graphics card in the laptop as I have never looked to see if there are any ports open for it. I just assumed since it was a laptop that everything would be built into the motherboard and therefore it couldnt be done.
If it can in fact be done that would be an awesome idea and I will look into doing that.
Thanks for giving my tunnel vision a place to turn i appreciate it.
Answer #7
Usually, a software package for the Graphics card comes along with the CDs you get with your machine. Might be already installed in ypur machine. check for it
otherwise, find out the brand of your integrated video card. If its ATI, goto AMD web site, if its Intel , go Intel, and download the software for your video card model.
When you have the software, you can set the amount of RAM allocated for your video card. This is how i do it in my laptop. its ATI.
btw you cannot simply plug a new video card into a laptop which has intergrated card, Sometime newer laptops comes with an option to install a seperate card. If not, on some machines only, you can remv da existing card and replace, but its very advanced job and need expert people.
edit: Oh pal i just read about your laptop, it has DYNAMIC VIDEO MEMORY, UPTO 384MB. So you cant change it to a static value. When your computer demand video memory it can grow upto 384mb
and you’ve said that you cant play new games well. yes thats not coz of the memory, your computer can support upto 384mb dynamically. Gaming performance rely heavily on the speeds and other techs inside the card too, not just the memory, your Intel card is , honestly ‘crap’ if you plan to play games with it, Intel integrated cards are targeted for basic use.
Answer #8
Usually, a software package for the Graphics card comes along with the CDs you get with your machine. Might be already installed in ypur machine. check for it
otherwise, find out the brand of your integrated video card. If its ATI, goto AMD web site, if its Intel , go Intel, and download the software for your video card model.
When you have the software, you can set the amount of RAM allocated for your video card. This is how i do it in my laptop. its ATI.
btw you cannot simply plug a new video card into a laptop which has intergrated card, Sometime newer laptops comes with an option to install a seperate card. If not, on some machines only, you can remv da existing card and replace, but its very advanced job and need expert people.
edit: Oh pal i just read about your laptop, it has DYNAMIC VIDEO MEMORY, UPTO 384MB. So you cant change it to a static value. When your computer demand video memory it can grow upto 384mb
and you've said that you cant play new games well. yes thats not coz of the memory, your computer can support upto 384mb dynamically. Gaming performance rely heavily on the speeds and other techs inside the card too, not just the memory, your Intel card is , honestly 'crap' if you plan to play games with it, Intel integrated cards are targeted for basic use.

Wow that makes complete sense now as to why I cant change it. Being static didnt even cross my mind. I simply seen where it was possible to go to 384 and naturally assumed it would be a changeable solution. Thank you for clearing that up for me I appreciate it. I guess I will just use this for crap stuff, and then get an Alienware for gaming. Now I can justify spending more money on a good pc to my Girlfriend. If she says anything I will just tell her I have too cause our laptop is mediocre at best and I cant play games on it. Yea that should justify it lol. Thanks again for clearing that up for me. I was going bonkers trying to figure out something that really couldnt be changed in the first place. Oh well, AlienWare here I come.
Answer #9
hehe, next time when you are buying a laptop, go with a guy who knows about hardware things, me too would really do that coz my ATI thing is also crap
Answer #10
ive heard a lot of good things about alienware, and i really think im going to buy one of there laptops for gaming. I heard they are the bomb when it comes to that.
Answer #11
I guess I will just use this for crap stuff, and then get an Alienware for gaming. Now I can justify spending more money on a good pc to my Girlfriend.
If you are going to drop big money on a gaming laptop, go with Sager.
Alienware is overpriced and overhyped.
Answer #12
all laptops for gaming are overpriced.. you can’t even upgrade them properly.. Buy yourself a pc with a lan belt to carry it around if needed


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