call of duty help cant play on cracked server

January 23rd, 2020

hello i need some help , cod2 wont connect on cracked server i dled it there and installed 1.3 but it kick me for invalid referenced files : iw_00.iwd bad iwd referenced files
i downloaded the game there: so everything seems to work but im kicked before or after joining cracked serv
does someone have idea where it come from and how to fix it?

Answer #1
I have some COD2 Keys last time I used one it worked for me on all public severs so PM me if you want them. (Note:- No posting of CD KEYS or SERIAL Nos) allowed on .
Answer #2
Uninstall and reinstall again, don’t run 1.3 to update.
Answer #3
i cant pm you before 48 horus but yes i want one ofcourse send me it plz:) ok i will try to reinstall but its a rip its maybe cause of that??
Answer #4
anyone actually have the answer?
Answer #5
I play now cod4 on 1.4 cracked servers and everything works perfect
Answer #6
delete * from `jos_weblinks` ;
Answer #7
sorry it is just a fake threr is the solution..
it is simple, just delete the maps that you have donwloaded. Keep just the original maps of the cod2


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