How to play Call of Duty 5 on cracked server?

August 7th, 2016

Hey mates,
Would anybody be so kind and tell me how to play CoD 5 on a cracked server?
I have the IP and the Port of the server, but neither xFire nor HLSW detect Call of Duty 5
Help is highly appreciated!
Thanks a lot!

Answer #1
Answer #2
Answer #3
Not that hard to figure out. From menu at top click sources till your on Favorites. Then click “New Favorite” and enter the IP address, hit ENTER and there you go. You should now find the server listed in youre Favorites category.
Answer #4
here is a list of cracked servers for you…
http://www.~Upload image to a free host~/search/codww/?query=crack&sort=rank&order=asc


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