Cables Radio TV

August 5th, 2016

Hey guys quick question
What cable do i need if i want to connect my radio to my Television? My Radio is quite old though, the boxes are connected with coper cable. My television is quite new (bought it last year)

Answer #1
We would need to know what sort of “boxes” you are referring to and what sort of connections you have on them..
And maybe make/model of what you have.
Answer #2
Fair enough
TV connections
Radio: Pioneer sx-305RDS
Connection Boxes
Other connections
Answer #3
The images of the Connection Boxes and Other connections don’t display for me, only the image of TV..
You could connect from Tape 2 Monitor “Rec” of your receiver to the component AV in (audio in) of the TV with a standard red and white RCA lead.
Then just switch the TV to A/V in…..Should pick up all sound going through the receiver.
Answer #4
Haven’t checked why they don’t show (probably because of size limit), but the links from the page source are:
Answer #5
Thanks Rick.
I think we covered it..


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