burn bluray rip to dvd

January 25th, 2020

Hi all
I have lord of the rings 8 gb blur ray rip-hd. Now i would like to view it onthe tv using the dvd player. How to convert the 8 gb print to 4.7 gb. Is it possible to maintain most of the quality? Please help…

Answer #1
well 95% of the time its a mkv file, so you’ll have to convert it to avi. found a good tutorial:
once you do that, you can regularly burn it with Nero, ConvertXtoDVD, and others.
Yes you will lose quality, because your putting a Bluray movie (8 GB) on a DVD5 (4.7 GB). less space to ‘breath’, less quality.
Answer #2
Get ConvertxtoDVD you may be able to keep most of the quality by converting it to 4.7GB
You ‘ll be able to create a small DVD menu and be able to burn it straight away……i think……….wait you might need copytoDVD installed as well.
But its a great software….


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