Blue screens of death…

August 6th, 2016

Hey all I have a new computer since november 2013. In it is the following hardware:
� HD 7790 Dual-X OC (11210-01-20G) Videocard � Core� i5-4670K CPU � SSDNow V300 SV300S37A/120G, 120GB SSD � GA-B85M-D3H Motherboard � Barracuda 7200.14, 2 TB Harddisc � 8 GB DDR3-1600 Kit Corsair Vengeance Memory
Recently I’ve been getting more and more BSOD’s, ranging from NTFS.sys, dxgmm1.sys to memory_management BSOD’s. I found that if I turn of pagefile, I get them less frequently.
I’m running Windows 8.1 (on my SSD) and I’ve already updated the latest drivers and BIOS updates. I also did reinstall the system two times already, but that didn’t seem to fix it. It also doesn’t happen at specific times, just suddenly. Another weird thing I have on this computer
is that content in the webbrowser crashes quite frequently. So for example, my firefox crashes on sites like Google, Youtube, just about any site and once it starts crashing, I have to reboot to stop it from keeping crashing…
Any help is much appreciated!

Answer #1
First – check all connections, make sure MB plugs are not wonky and making intermittent contact. Check CPU cooler, reapply heat sink paste, etc – basically, re-check the build.
Download memtest and write it to cd and boot to it, let it run over night – check for ram errors. – If you see some then pull out all but one stick of memory and repeat test (and repeat for each stick on its own).
Check PSU for wattage – I’d suggest a 550W and higher, 650W is better.
OR – take it back to where you bought it, it’s still under warranty…
Answer #2
it could be the power supply or motherboard too, if it crashes under a load, like playing a DVD, you have your culprit.. even very good major manufacturers unknowingly have used counterfeit capacitors in their designs in an effort to make a cheaper product. it backfired on them..
Answer #3
Good point – check the capacitors to see if there’s any bulging up.
Answer #4
Thanks for the feedback guys! I have already tested the RAM and HD. I’m now going to look into your suggestions!
Answer #5
Have you overclocked your CPU? Unstable OCing can often cause instability…
Also, What PSU do you have? Provide the full model (And not just the watts!)
Check it’s sticker if in doubt. Minidumps could come handy as well, Windows will usually create em when a BSOD or automatic restart occurs. Minidumps contain detailed information about the crash, Which can be useful for figuring out why it happened! If you got any recently created files in the minidump folder (c:\windows\minidump) then RAR em up and upload to this site:
If the folder is empty, Or doesn’t contain anything recent, Then I suggest you check your minidump settings as shown here:
Set it to small memory dump. Next time you’ll have a BSOD, It’d create one!
I have already tested the RAM and HD.
Mind if I ask how? (I just wanna make sure you did it correctly)
Also, Did you test both the SSD & HDD or just one of em?
Answer #6
MemTest en with SeaGate tool for the HDD. I did not OC. My PSU is a 500W OCz (OCZ500MXSP). I tinkered around with some stuff and didn’t really change anything, except fast boot setting and now I get DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION every so often and it happens when I’m just booted in so I can’t really change much now… Also I don’t get any Minidumps from this error :/ Normally I do get them, since I have page file enabled, but now the BSOD dumping is stuck at 0%, goes black screen and the system just shuts down…
edit: opened up case, noticed two very tight running SATA3 cables. Loosened them and rebooted… Seems to run fine for now…
edit 2: after some time, the screen just freezes for like a minute or two and then the system just shuts down completely. no bsod no nothing… it doesn’t even restart automatically
edit 3: back to the bsods! will post in a second
Answer #7
Your PSU is good enough!
Anyways, The Minidump indicates a problem with the SSD or HDD.
Get it checked with the following app:
Answer #8
Thanks will try! I’ve know uninstall Intel Rapid Storage and removed the intel driver for the IDE/ATAPI controller and am now using the Microsoft default driver. That seems to have helped a lot… Will check with your program now!


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