Bin Laden TV Show

January 13th, 2014

This may sound like a weird question but which Bin Laden TV Show, that shows the army getting prepare to kill him and the moment he got killed?
Answer #1
Do you mean this?
This was a discovery channel special. Might be what you are after.
Answer #2
That special was pretty cool. Showed Seal #1 tap the human shield and then Seal #2 doubletap the big evil guy
Answer #3
This is most likely what you’re after, I think its the full documentary. But i think it was a little longer, i dunno
Hope I helped
Answer #4
Search the forum in TV Shows..There are plenty of uploads of it.
Answer #5
Search the forum in TV Shows..Killing bin Laden …
Oops sorry D/P.
Answer #6
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