What is the name of this TV show?

August 29th, 2013

I was watching it on Sky yestarday (I can’t check as it wasn’t my Sky).
It was short clips of this 1 guy being rude and what not and the name of the show was a simple title but I cannot remember it.
The name of a guy (which I could completely wrong) is Don Foly from what I remember. I could be 100% wrong.
30 minute show. He did little comedy sketches including a fake tourist info box. He played music for people at tables (terribly played that is) Er… anyone lol?

Answer #1
Answer #2
Thanks mate! It’s Trigger Happy TV, I was close :S
Answer #3
damn, was my first thought that. didnt think they aired it anymore tbh
Answer #4
Dom Joly, lolz – I used to love that program years ago, especially when he had the big Nokia phone
Have a look for Dom Joly’s Happy Hour he travels the World drinking booze, very funny


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