Best/Most efficent file archiving program?

January 29th, 2020

what is the Best/Most efficent file archiving program?
Answer #1
paq8o8. Takes a long time to archive, but it’s the most efficient.
look for it on google.
Answer #2
lol. i asked for efficient, this thing is tooo slow to be considred efficient. also, i need one that supports multiple archive formats.
Answer #3
Answer #4
i would se it, but it doesn’t make many different kinds of archives. it cold read and extract other kinds, but it can’t make them.
Answer #5
WinACE is what I found found most efficient and strongest, if that fails to satidfy ur needs then WinRAR should do the job
Answer #6
ye, winace dosen’t really satisfy my needs, and winrar dosent support many file formats.
Answer #7
also, has anyone tried ones like powerarchiver and such? and how are they?Do not double post. Please edit your posts instead.
Answer #8
You could try 7-Zip , I suppose,if you don’t want to stick with the 2 most common formats..
Answer #9
i have tried 7-zip and like it, but the problem is that it does not create .rar
Answer #10
power achiver is great also
Answer #11
WinRAR is the select choice and if you find the WinRAR Ultimate package; you’ll have more than WinRAR, you get a whole new selection of free tools that help towards archive compression, extraction, SFX and handy resource hacker as well as MANY others.
Answer #12
rememver, i said a single program, that would be multiple programs
Answer #13
Answer #14
i already said that i do not really like this one, since it cannot make .rar
Answer #15
i already said that i do not really like this one, since it cannot make .rar
Answer #16
ye, winace dosen't really satisfy my needs, and winrar dosent support many file formats.
I use them in conjuction because of that problem
Answer #17