Being POOR – Please Help

August 4th, 2016

im 14 years old. and my family does not have very much money. im not saying im allways poor but im going to be poor and have just enough money to get sandwichs for food. sometimes we get steak or something. not often. after gas prices being high. (Think god their getting lower), my family is getting poor because my parents have to pay the bills which cost alot allready. they have to feed 3 kids. and what just happened a few weeks ago is my big brother has had problems with his health. the doctor said he had a brain tomer, not sure if i spelled it right. and maybe something else wrong with him. we have to help him pay for his surgery bill when he has a surgery. and we have to pay some of his bills. which is around 200-300 dollars more out of my parents pockets. we had barely money to save up before this happened. now after the bills are paid we have no money.
Heres the part i hate to say, is that for Christmas i wanted some things. because all the new games coming out that look really good. i’ve wanted to get a new graphics card for my computer. and to get that graphics card i need a better power supply. and also i wanted a game called ” Left 4 Dead ”. but i hate that i cant get it. im not even sure if my parents will have 50 dollars to get what i want. I’ve been trying to save up money, and not eating lunch at school sometimes and keeping the money so i can save it to get what i want. but i wont have enough to get what i want. do anyone know a way to get money at my age? their are no jobs around my area. atleast not for my age. everyone who needs their grass cut or something allready has someone to do that for them. and even sometimes my parents have to use my money i save to help pay a bill. i have around 10 dollars right now. thats not much for what i want. please help me someone to get money. Thx alot
P.S. this is what i’m saving for
Thx Again!

Answer #1
I started working when i was 14 at a grocery store packaging groceries (getting carts). it was a family owned grocery store (not my family, just a small one).
try calling some grocery stores and asking if they hire employees at your age. At your age, they aren’t required to give you minimum wage, nor provide any benefits. You will be severely limited at # of hours your able to work per day/week.
as for buying a video card really cheap in order to play games of today, you don’t need to go really high end in order to play it fairly w/ good graphics. You can find one for less than 50 now, 8500gt’s by invidia are very cheap now, and will be just fine for playing today’s games.
that’s a good price for a power supply.
as for the xbox 360 game, try looking on ebay for people who used to have it and didnt’ like it and are trying to sell it at a lower cost. or try and find it used at a local gamestop/game trader place.
also check the day after thanksgiving ads for extremely cheap deals (black friday), u should be able to find a nice video card very cheap during that time.
some advice, dont’ skip eating lunch. i don’t wanna tell you want to do, but it’s important you eat every day. maybe bring your own lunch from home instead of buying it at school, but don’t skip eating all together in order to save money, it’s not good for your body, and can have negative effects on your learning abilities.
best of luck!
Answer #2
ill try to call places for job
Answer #3
I started working when i was 14 at a grocery store packaging groceries (getting carts). it was a family owned grocery store (not my family, just a small one).
try calling some grocery stores and asking if they hire employees at your age. At your age, they aren't required to give you minimum wage, nor provide any benefits. You will be severely limited at # of hours your able to work per day/week.
as for buying a video card really cheap in order to play games of today, you don't need to go really high end in order to play it fairly w/ good graphics. You can find one for less than 50 now, 8500gt's by invidia are very cheap now, and will be just fine for playing today's games.
that's a good price for a power supply.
as for the xbox 360 game, try looking on ebay for people who used to have it and didnt' like it and are trying to sell it at a lower cost. or try and find it used at a local gamestop/game trader place.
also check the day after thanksgiving ads for extremely cheap deals (black friday), u should be able to find a nice video card very cheap during that time.
some advice, dont' skip eating lunch. i don't wanna tell you want to do, but it's important you eat every day. maybe bring your own lunch from home instead of buying it at school, but don't skip eating all together in order to save money, it's not good for your body, and can have negative effects on your learning abilities.
best of luck!

Just remembered, phone is disconnected
Edit : Also had friend call them and they are all age 16-18
Don't double post ~ J-Rokk
Please use the edit button when ever possible

Answer #4
in your situation, the last thing i would be doing is thinking about games.
Answer #5
How about a paper round? Or a local cafe? They tend to take on younger people. Thats what I done when I was around your age.
Best thing to do at your age is knuckle down at school and get a good education so you can get a decent job, and you need to eat at lunch time to help you concentrate in your lessons.
Answer #6
you should work at a fast food restaurant or something. There aint no shame in flippin’ burgers.
Answer #7
dude i no what your feeling buddy, i myself am a parent of 4 kids, not much money coming in but we make ends meet. as for starving yourself at lunch times, thats def not a good idea. im sure if you look hard enough some1 will offer you a part time job, have you tried your local council offices, fast food stores, even a local supermarket stacking shelves. going hungry at lunch time is not the answer, as for you wanting it to buy games then without being offensive towards you, some things in life are more important than games my friend, like your health for 1 thing. keep pestering these local places and they will soon get the idea that you need some extra cash and they might even offer you something
Answer #8
Dam, hard life. I unno man take up a job at a burger joint. If your good at fixing comps, start ur own small business. You ocould make serious dough from taht shiz.
Answer #9
dude i no what your feeling buddy, i myself am a parent of 4 kids, not much money coming in but we make ends meet. as for starving yourself at lunch times, thats def not a good idea. im sure if you look hard enough some1 will offer you a part time job, have you tried your local council offices, fast food stores, even a local supermarket stacking shelves. going hungry at lunch time is not the answer, as for you wanting it to buy games then without being offensive towards you, some things in life are more important than games my friend, like your health for 1 thing. keep pestering these local places and they will soon get the idea that you need some extra cash and they might even offer you something
In my area there are no places i can find that at my age i can work. And i’ve looked ALOT of places. and the reason i want games is because. its just something wrong with me i cant live without them. my goal in life is to make computers / fix computers / make games / Computer involved stuff. computers make me happy.
but im sorry i cant live without games. its just me
Answer #10
well if thats the case my friend then you need to sort your priorities out, as for games, go to games section here and dl a few, its gonna save you a few quid
Answer #11
I have, but theres games my 126MB VRAM cant solve. till i get money for the 512MB VRAM
Answer #12

jessgame wrote: Select all

I have, but theres games my 126MB VRAM cant solve. till i get money for the 512MB VRAM
You don’t need 512mb of video memory to run most of today’s games. 256mb will be just fine.
Answer #13
A paper round isn’t bad for a first job. Also, an 8600GT would be sufficient if they’re any cheaper. And if you upgrade your PC, you could just download Left 4 Dead for the PC from …
Oh, check out if you live in the US. Might be minimum age of 18, but you can always lie.
Good luck, hope you get what you want.
Answer #14
14 y/o Isn’t likley to get any decent job sorry to say.
Answer #15
in your situation, the last thing i would be doing is thinking about games.
Don’t be ridiculous.
His brother has a brain tumor…Big deal…He wants to play some damn Left for Dead!
Answer #16
14 y/o Isn't likley to get any decent job sorry to say.
You may be right but it still helps out in later life. As I said I got a job in a cafe when I was about 14 and ended up to be a head chef at a resturant for 5 years. Made great money but got sick of cooking in the end and fancied a change. If your intrested in computers theres no time like now to learn about them, while your still young. Plenty of sites that offer free courses in all areas of computer stuff
In 2 years time you will have a wealth of knowledge and thats where you will get a good job
Answer #17
There are many things you could try. If you are good at a particular subject, you could take tutions for a small fee for your juniors at school. It could fetch you some money.
Answer #18
if u want a job try checking @ ur local canteen, they often have vacancy’s, u can get decent pay, bout 3 years ago i started working @ my old canteen (in yr 7) and i was getting $7-11 an hour, cant remember precisely, good pay for a 13 yr old kid.
just remember, there are always people worse off than u, i havent had a new (bought) game since christmas.
Answer #19
if u want a job try checking @ ur local canteen, they often have vacancy's, u can get decent pay, bout 3 years ago i started working @ my old canteen (in yr 7) and i was getting $7-11 an hour, cant remember precisely, good pay for a 13 yr old kid.
just remember, there are always people worse off than u, i havent had a new (bought) game since christmas.

What’s a canteen?
Answer #20
To be honest with you mate, if I had a brother who needed surgery and my parents were strapped for cash to pay for that vital surgery the last thing on my mind would be thinking about what I want.
Get your priorities right ……….. Your brother needs the cash more than you do right now so give the ten dollars to your parents to help pay the medical bills for your brother.
And if Christmas is a bummer this year due to your brothers needs just put it down to experience and don’t moan about it.
What do you prefer? ……… A happy Christmas or a well brother? ………. I know which one I’d choose.
So if you get a job hand over all the cash to your brother. In years to come when your brother is well and you have both matured a bit more you will reap the benefits of your actions with a top notch relationship with your family, and believe me family comes first in any situation.
Of course if you don’t love your brother ………….. ???????
Answer #21
i know what you need and what your family and you go through. but as a 14year old you have to learn that games arent everything, you cant just keep playing games. Try playing some weekend sport with friends, go out walking around, etc (its all free and ways to pass time) or play older games over the net. Dota seems to still be fun, i mean you can play against others or watch movies. You cant just rely on games to pass the time like i once did. I moved away from games, but play prolly an hour or so a week rather then everyday
Answer #22
in your situation, the last thing i would be doing is thinking about games.
Sorry to say but thats the truth. Why would you think about games when there are more important things. Try not to get yourself attached to material things too much. It eventually gets the better of you.
Getting a job at 14 is difficult and skipping lunch will just cause more trouble for your parents if something goes wrong with you.
Best thing to do mate, help your parents as much as possible by being mature.
My 2 cents. I wouldn’t know though. I’m not speaking from experience, just what makes sense to me
Edit: AzN is right about playing sports or hang out with mates, read…etc (all better than games, I garentee<–(my sucky spelling) you)
Answer #23
Your parents can always get a Loan… and why you thinking about games when this is your study age and especially when your in det. Do you own the property your in or rent? If you own you can sell it and rent a cheaper flat.
Answer #24
14 y/o Isn't likley to get any decent job sorry to say.
You may be right but it still helps out in later life. As I said I got a job in a cafe when I was about 14 and ended up to be a head chef at a resturant for 5 years. Made great money but got sick of cooking in the end and fancied a change. If your intrested in computers theres no time like now to learn about them, while your still young. Plenty of sites that offer free courses in all areas of computer stuff 😉
In 2 years time you will have a wealth of knowledge and thats where you will get a good job 😉

what websites are those?