BB Code [IMG] tag question

August 1st, 2016

Is there anyway to post images using BB code on a board that has disabled image tags and html?
Answer #1
What type of board is it? phpBB, Wolt BB etc. ?
Answer #2
VBulletin. There must be some kind of loophole, right?
Answer #3
No one???
Please, use the EDIT button instead of double posting! Also, please read the forum rules about bumping. Thanks ~ hecos
Answer #4
whats the point, if they dont want you to post images then if you post them there just going to delete them also bumping isnt aloud in help and nether is double posting
Answer #5
Sorry, I know I shouldn’t bump, but the threads move so quickly on that people don’t get a chance to read anything. There is a point, because some accounts are paid and have extra privileges, but the admins would not check every account with an image in their signature to confirm.
Answer #6
edit: nvm i read what you said wrong


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