How Do i run this code?

August 5th, 2016

i need to know how to run this entire script,
i am hosted by agilityhoster and are using phpmyadmin
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/159640029/database.txt


Answer #1
Im guessing EQDKP?
I havent read the script btw, I jsut assume that database is compatible with EQDKP
Answer #2
I thinks its SQL
Answer #3
It’s SQL.
It’s really easy. Just go and create a new (empty) database.
After that, just open the file on Notepad and copy\paste all the file’s content, except the initial part:
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 2.8.1
-- -- Servidor: localhost
-- Tiempo de generaci�n: 30-12-2007 a las 08:37:43
-- Versi�n del servidor: 5.0.21
-- Versi�n de PHP: 5.1.4
-- -- Base de datos: `1`
-- -- --------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `tb_ads`

Into a SQL Query on the database.
It will recreate the database, just as it was.
Alternatively if you have access to a shell on your host, just rename the file to database.sql, upload the file to the server, chmod 777 it and input the following command:
mysql -u #username# -p #database# < database.sql
Where #username# is a user who has the permission to create databases and #database# it’s the name of the database to which you would like to restore the dump.
Hope it helps!


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