Battlefield 3 problem

August 7th, 2013

Hey guys a friend suggested me this forum so i could ask my question here…
Today i went to my local Acapella store to buy the Battlefield 3 game that all of you should know . I really liked the Single player – Campaign version of the game so i decided that i should buy the game to play online…
So i came home, unpacked the CD and started the installation. The game started installing after i had to install that stupid Origin. After the game was installed correctly to default directions and with default options i launched the game from the Origin program which opened my browser to a page named Battlelog. I signed in all successful and tried to play the campaign.. As it took a while to load the Campaign finally started and worked all fine. Then i tried to play the Online version of the game. So on the same page (Battlelog) i chose the multiplayer and pressed the Quick Match button it has there… So it found me a server and i was all happy and exited about the outcome but it took as long as the Campaign to load (and even longer) but in the end as soon as i see the map image (just for a sec or 2, sometimes even the images won’t appear) a black screen appears and the game crashes and sends me back to the page i was before on Battlelog. Same goes even if i choose the server i want to connect…
It kinda hurts knowing that i threw 45 Euro away for something that does not works….
Could anyone please help me with the problem i have encountered? I really want to play this game online and enjoy it as all of you do
Thank you for your time offered to this topic…
Any responds would be appreciated (especially the ones solving my problem )

Answer #1
Can you right click on the game in Origin and select repair install?
Are your graphics cards drivers up to date?
What browser are you using? Use firefox/internet explorer
Answer #2
update drivers and reinstall if needed, that game is great online been playing it constant after work .
Answer #3
As mentioned above, try updating drivers and reinstalling.
Once you’re ingame it’s fun but there’s quite a few problems lying around, fe. I need to minimize the game to be able to switch maps.
And it is normal that it takes a good while to load.


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