Audio system better than Bose companion 5

February 2nd, 2020

I bought a Bose system for $400 and would like to know if I can get a better system for less or about the same because many argue bose is overpriced.
Answer #1
Yeah ya right… overepriced…. but the BEST
ED: Yeah and I can point u to places as well.. I say to each his own..
ED: Klipisch ??? Never heard of them in my life… lol
Answer #2
Yeah ya right... overepriced.... but the BEST,2817,2097316,00.asp
The review there is not that great
Answer #3
Consider checking out Klipsch. I been using these since 2008 and the sound will blow you away. Klipsch still makes them.
Answer #4
The best? Absolutely not. The best at marketing Hype? That I will give you.
BOSE is a joke. They won’t even publish the frequency response curves for their speakers. They are selling you a Chevy for the price of a Mercedes. The placebo effect of paying more makes them appear to sound better. 5.1 sound from a 2.1 system? Bose marketing department rocks!
+1 for that Klipsch system. I’ve heard it before. Its a pretty respectable system at a nice price.
You can get a full 5.1 home theater system in the price range of that Bose 2.1
Answer #5
The best? Absolutely not. The best at marketing Hype? That I will give you.
BOSE is a joke. They won't even publish the frequency response curves for their speakers. They are selling you a Chevy for the price of a Mercedes. The placebo effect of paying more makes them appear to sound better. 5.1 sound from a 2.1 system? Bose marketing department rocks!
+1 for that Klipsch system. I've heard it before. Its a pretty respectable system at a nice price.
You can get a full 5.1 home theater system in the price range of that Bose 2.1
what are the better options in 5.1 ?


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