Are CSS files copyrighted?

August 5th, 2016

Are style (CSS) files copyrighted?
We can’t rip them off?
What about HTML code?

Answer #1
Not really, unless your web page is a blatant rip-off of somebody else’s, and all you did was change the background color.
Some authors simply ask you to give them credit if you use their code.
If you look at a lot of hand-coded sights, you’ll find most typically use #wrapper, #banner, #leftcol, #rightcol and #footer etc. This is just an unofficial standard that authors use to make their code more legible.
I wouldn’t worry about it. A good way to learn CSS/HTML is by pulling other peoples code apart to see how it works.
Answer #2
You’re on a site worrying about copyright?????
Answer #3
Answer #4
nope there shouldnt be unles its like
Answer #5
LOL~ thats funny but yes thy can.
Answer #6
ignoring the irony that your questioning copyright at this forum of all places, i think its really sad that someone would resort to stealing css code for a site.
not least cos of the hard work that goes into the design of original sites.
If you cant create your own code your going to run into management problems with any code you steal.
at least credit the original source
Answer #7
it’s lines of code… no


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