AoE III Disks

January 31st, 2020

I bought AoE3 about a year ago, and now that i was wanting to play it again, ive found all 3 discs are fecked. Now, i would just download it, but you cant play online without a legit cd inserted. What to do :S
Answer #1
Just use a crack and use the original serial from the game that you have (I hope there is a serial). You can get a crack from either of these:

Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #2
When i had the game legit, i did try cracks, but online never worked :S
Answer #3
Have you tried contacting Microsoft’s support? They might replace your damaged disks or provide you with a way around the protection.
Here is their support page:
Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #4
Hmmm, last time i tried to contact mircoshit support, i got some indian guy who couldnt speak english (no offence meant )
Ill go try


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