Anyone else here use SRS Audio Essentials?

January 30th, 2020

If so, is there any way to switch to 2.1? It only comes with 5.1, and I dont know how to change that.
Answer #1
I’ve never heard of this.
Answer #2
I've never heard of this.
Quite an amazing program.
Answer #3
Moved from Off-Topic to Helpdesk.
Answer #4
From help at their website..
3. How do I check to see if my default sound card is selected for Audio Essentials playback? Click on the Windows Control Pa, and then click on Playback Devices. Look at the list of audio devices. Audio Essentials must be set as the default device. If it is not, you can right click on it and set it as the �default device�.
Now you have got that far, do this…..Highlight the Audio Essentials speaker and click on Configure.
You can now select Stereo instead of 5.1.
That’s how I figure it ,anyhow
Now I notice that in the GUI under the VU meters, you can select Stereo or Surround !
Answer #5
From help at their website..
3. How do I check to see if my default sound card is selected for Audio Essentials playback? Click on the Windows Control Pa, and then click on Playback Devices. Look at the list of audio devices. Audio Essentials must be set as the default device. If it is not, you can right click on it and set it as the �default device�.
Now you have got that far, do this.....Highlight the Audio Essentials speaker and click on Configure.
You can now select Stereo instead of 5.1.
That's how I figure it ,anyhow
Now I notice that in the GUI under the VU meters, you can select Stereo or Surround !

I do not want to set it to stero! I can already do that! I WANT 2.1! Why does it only have 5.1? Is there any way to change 5.1 to 2.1?
Answer #6
A 2.1 speaker system is the same as a stereo system but with an added sub-woofer.
The sub merely separates and plays the low frequencies via a low-pass filter and prevents the other speakers from reproducing those same low frequencies via a high-pass filter.
This is determined by the means of a crossover component and so the 2.1 system is achieved from a normal stereo signal.
Answer #7

wwsmithe wrote: Select all

A 2.1 speaker system is the same as a stereo system but with an added sub-woofer.
The sub merely separates and plays the low frequencies via a low-pass filter and prevents the other speakers from reproducing those same low frequencies via a high-pass filter.
This is determined by the means of a crossover component and so the 2.1 system is achieved from a normal stereo signal.
I guess I have to stick with stero. Still, there should be an option to select different systems such as 2.1, 3.1, and 4.1.
Answer #8
I really like this software.
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