Anybody here from Canada-Toronto
February 9th, 2020
If you are from Toronto,then can you tell me this product price for my computer:
Samsung 1TB Internal Harddisk Price and Toshiba 1TB Internal Harddisk
(Please don’t tell me the price from Amazon or Amazon related any site)
From any shop-i just interested to know what is the price in Toronto the pruduct price?
Please reply here if you can visit any shop for the price.
From that area… roughly speaking, because you haven’t mentioned size (2.5 or 3.5 inch) or rpm etc… It would cost about $70-$80 new.
Hope this helps.
$60-$100+. Check out TigerDirect and Canadacomputers, they have nice deals.
From that area... roughly speaking, because you haven't mentioned size (2.5 or 3.5 inch) or rpm etc... It would cost about $70-$80 new.
Hope this helps.
Its 3.5 inch.
Thanks for all yours help. Which one you all think best? Western digital or Fujitsu?what is the different between them?