Anonymous onnline payment method?

August 6th, 2016

Hello guys,
This starts out with me wanting to buy a service from – with this service I want to create my own VPN.
But before I buy anything I thought that I would destroy the entire point of a VPN, if my creditcard and name was link to the main service of my VPN (the one hosted on
So do you guys know of any way of buying things online but without using a service with your name attached to it? I know Bitcoin is a possibility but I want to minimize the amount invested. I thought about using an online gift card or some kind of anonymous creditcard. Thnx in advance

Answer #1
Western Union is what 419 scammers use to fraud people I doubt they’d use that if it was traceable
Answer #2
Moved from Off-Topic to Helpdesk.
Answer #3
I think you’ll find it’s not what you can find to use, it’s what the vender will accept. Looking at the site, “We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and PayPal.” You may be able to use a prepaid Visa that doesn’t need to be registered.
Answer #4
Sites that take Visa, may not always take Prepaid ones though.
Answer #5
Not sure about what you want to do, but just buy a vpn service, like I do.
The service I use, ~ Spam ~ . com will accept payment in any form. They don’t list it like this but Westeren Union is really safe, so will cash if, you trust the mail. You just need to ask them about it.
I do this and it has never come back to bite me in the ass.


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