Payment Gateway

December 15th, 2013

i am planning to start an online business and working on having a website. but i want to know what options do i have to accept payments from the clients online.
I dont want paypal, I am from India.
Any views ?

Answer #1
how about 2co?
moneybooker, libertyreserved?
Answer #2
yes i am too but i dont need to use any 3rd party gateway
Answer #3
use 2co they offer some of the best rates to me and they are reliable too so is alert pay…2co will even accept paypal payments on your behalf too and send the money to your account which you can then withdraw using a master card they will supply or your bank account if you prefer direct transfer. Best of wishes with your site
Answer #4
You can use Moneybookers.
Answer #5
mikeybear replied: use 2co they offer some of the best rates to me and they are reliable too so is alert pay...2co will even accept paypal payments on your behalf too and send the money to your account which you can then withdraw using a master card they will supply or your bank account if you prefer direct transfer. Best of wishes with your site
i want a payment gateway.. as u said 2co is gud to use… thn how to proccess with tat??? with whome can i contact??i m from India so is tat possible??


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