Android Phone Software to remove

January 27th, 2020

Since a while, I have had constant spam notifications in my notification bar. I bought a fake Samsung Galaxy SIII from China (yeah yeah) which came with a lot of pre-installed apps, but I actually had no problems with it until about a month ago. Since then I’ve been trying to shut down programs and kill them, but now I’m unsure what more apps I can disable/force stop or actually uninstall. So, I was hoping someone could help me.. Google isn’t useful at all in this case, sadly.
That’s the full list of the apps I have installed.
The notification spam I’m talking about is this:
If you’re wondering why there are some blanked out spaces, those apps I have removed in the meantime (since screenshotting). Apart from that it’s a complete list.
So if anyone could help me, I would be very grateful. It’s quite annoying to have my notifications bar filled with spam the entire time.
Thanks a lot in advance!
P.S. Wasn’t sure if imgur links also need to be safelinked, so did it just to be sure.

Answer #1
What did you expect?……You deserve this, for buying fakes replicas from china, rather the real one! From the outside the replicas may look genuine…but in reality their poor build quality, they do not go through rigorous testing, app safety tests etc…..
Answer #2
Well.. To be honest, it performs perfectly so far, it’s been very reliable, not a single function is not working and I haven’t had any problems with it until about a month ago. I’ve had it for about 6 months now.
Therefore I don’t really think it was in the software that came pre-installed, but some app that I was dumb enough to install. Hence why I’m asking help.
Answer #3
best would be if you google the model name of the phone and see if there is root for it or eaven custom roms
custom room imo would be best to instal on it if there is any out there since they remove all the cr*p apps


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