After Downloading CD Having A Zune & Cover Art Problem

January 27th, 2020

Ok I’m having a small problem that’s getting on my nerves somewhat. I searched for a thread that may have addressed this and couldn’t find one…..
I recently got a Zune player, and after uploading a CD I requested from here I’m having trouble with the CD Artwork. There seems to be artwork included in the download mentioned above that when the music is uploaded the Album Artwork that appears is a blue square that says it was downloaded at Bluefox Forums.
The problem that I’m encountering is since the Bluefox blue square is included in the download, once the music is uploaded to the Zune the blue square can’t be replaced with the normal cover of the CD when I try to do so with the Zune Software……

Answer #1
you should be able to remove embedded albumart using tag&rename.
Answer #2
you should be able to remove embedded albumart using tag&rename.
How do I do that?
Answer #3
right click>edit file tag>art is on the right side.
Answer #4
right click>edit file tag>art is on the right side.
Right click on what?
I’m sorry for asking so many questions but I’ve never had to do this before…..
Answer #5
right click>edit file tag>art is on the right side.
Right click on what?
I'm sorry for asking so many questions but I've never had to do this before.....

the folder with the songs needs to be the folder seen in the program, then right click on the songs. you can probably select them all to remove the art all at once.
Answer #6
right click>edit file tag>art is on the right side.
Right click on what?
I'm sorry for asking so many questions but I've never had to do this before.....

the folder with the songs needs to be the folder seen in the program, then right click on the songs. you can probably select them all to remove the art all at once.

Ok I was able to change it the way you described by doing it with Itunes since I have that installed on my computer, and it changed the art work in the Zune software too since it’s set to watch for changes in the Itunes music folder……
Thanks for your help……


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