AFG vs FUM xvid avis?

August 5th, 2016

For those of you who like avi’s, when multiple groups release copies of the same episode how to do you choose which to get? For example AFG vs FUM Is one group generally better than the other in terms of quality, resolution, sync etc?
Answer #1
These are just the names of encoder teams…so find one that you like and stick with them, since they will all do the same thing every single time, so it should work the same for you.
Really are all about the same, with certain options, etc included, so thats why you need to find one that you like and stick with them.
Myself, which just means what I have been happy with, is FUM then AFG…others work as well, so no slight againist the other teams, but I use these teams when I need to make a choice when presented with multi choice teams
Answer #2
AFG are scene, never heard of FUM and EVO are p2p encoders who quickly do 1 pass encodes to put their encode out faster and get more downloads.
“best” is a really define answer, there isn’t any best groups. everyone likes different groups and encodes and the way they do them……
Answer #3
Ugh. still have problems choosing between AFG and FUM. I don’t think AFG is considered scene anymore because avi is no longer a scene format. I think they’re both just considered p2p. Downloading both is taking too much time and space. FUM seems to have higher audio levels and brighter colors, but sometimes the way the characters stand out from the backgrounds seems awkward almost like it’s a weatherperson in front of a greenscreen. AFG video just seems like it’s more blended/smoother even if the resolution seems lower.
Answer #4
I think most people have scraped avi in favour of mkv or mp4 as you can get better resolution and quality for the same file size due to the use of the more efficient h264 codec..
Answer #5
No, I still prefer avi, for some reason…and do not dl mp4 based file types…I find them over compressed and jerky for my viewing.
mkv works for me tho


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