Advices for fragile hair

August 7th, 2016

I used once this chemical at a barbershop which straightened my hair and it went well, after I shaved, my hair became fragile and it can be dissolved easily which make me panic.
I’ve been looking all over the internet but I haven’t found anything trustworthy, if you know any tips i’ll appreciate your help

Answer #1
There are alot of shampoos and other haircare products that help fortify your hair.
Or you could just shave it all.

Answer #2
There are alot of shampoos and other haircare products that help fortify your hair.
Or you could just shave it all.

I know there are alot, but I need a specific name
and if i shave it : I’m gonna regret that for the rest of my life I kinda like long hair
Answer #3
There are alot of shampoos and other haircare products that help fortify your hair.
Or you could just shave it all.

I know there are alot, but I need a specific name
and if i shave it : I'm gonna regret that for the rest of my life I kinda like long hair

Oh… Well, i don’t know any names at all, i just go and randomly buy one shampoo and thats it. And as for the shaving, your hair grows back again. I always thought that i would regret it also, but no, it turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life.
You never know until you try it.

Answer #4
There are alot of shampoos and other haircare products that help fortify your hair.
Or you could just shave it all.

I know there are alot, but I need a specific name
and if i shave it : I'm gonna regret that for the rest of my life I kinda like long hair

Oh... Well, i don't know any names at all, i just go and randomly buy one shampoo and thats it. And as for the shaving, your hair grows back again. I always thought that i would regret it also, but no, it turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life.
You never know until you try it.

I tried it and it took ages to grow again, and I got really ugly ..
Answer #5
horse shampoo, seriously.
Answer #6
horse shampoo, seriously.
Yeah… Just be sure no one else knows about it. Try this also:

Answer #7
horse shampoo, seriously.
Yeah... Just be sure no one else knows about it.

google it, people buy that stuff for making their hair thicker
Answer #8
horse shampoo, seriously.
I won’t take that risk man.
Answer #9
(Mane N Tail) can be found at walmart, grocery stores.
A combination of beer and eggs.
Google them.
Answer #10
Try a bloody wig mate and get off my case ………….. Gezzzz!
Answer #11
horse shampoo, seriously.
I won't take that risk man.

risk? you afraid you’ll start talking like Mr. Ed or something? i don’t think there’s any risks…
Answer #12
try usin shampoos without salt or alcohol
Answer #13
go out… asking here can be dangerous…
Answer #14
Moved from Off-Topic to Helpdesk.
Answer #15
Moved from Off-Topic to Helpdesk.
Answer #16
There are alot of shampoos and other haircare products that help fortify your hair.
Or you could just shave it all.

I know there are alot, but I need a specific name
and if i shave it : I'm gonna regret that for the rest of my life I kinda like long hair

hehe well know the feeling… until recently i had hair down to the chest. (ive had long hair since i was 8 or something- ) Then around newyear i decided to cut a Faux Hawk. And man im diggin it. Maybe youll like it better when you get it cut.
Answer #17
Whats up with all these replays \= ur confusing the guy.
ask your mother, or ask a barber whats best for your hair.
Many shampoo’s have alot of quallity’s to make your hair get stronger again. Dont worry – just ask those who realy understand..


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