A way to save Ram files

February 7th, 2020

can play ram with real player but how can I download and save them e. g. those on http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/catchphrase/camymlaen/lessons1.shtml
Answer #1
Hi, when you open some file e.g.
Right click on the page – View page info – Media – click on the .mp3 link – Save as.
It seems that, that works fine.
Try that.
If you have JDownloader you can right click on mp3 file before you open it – and choose copy link location.
Answer #2
Tex .. he is trying to get the RAM column (not the mp3 column). Guessing because there are more of them?
These RAM files are a stream; if you don’t have VLC installed, do it. Save the RAM link and open it in VLC where you can record it. Google has thousands and thousands of pages on how to record from VLC if you don’t know how already
Answer #3
Thanks for the fast answer, , but further down there aren’t any mp3 only those …. rams. What do I do then
Quite right, . Edit: Thanks , . Will try that, haven’t done it before
Edit: ??? Less than halfway through the VCL stops playing my “test” file (5.1) correctly – It was alright with the real-player. ???
Answer #4
I was checking ram but somehow I ended in mp3 column.
Were you able to download the file.
If yes can you play it correctly with the another player or with the real-player.
If no – can’t help you now, my PC is too busy I can’t even download using vlc.
Answer #5
board search “WM RECORDER”, that software grabs the streams and saves it for you.
Answer #6
Something wrong on your side .. I’ve tested out a few of those ram links and vlc streamed and captured 100%. Maybe your connection to the streaming server was disconnected for some reason.
Answer #7
@ : May well be so, my connection these days is rotten – “technology of the future” – but I’ll go on trying.
Thanks a lot for your helpful hints and all the time you spent on my behalf .
@ Thanks for the hint , will try that as well.
Answer #8
…. still trying without success but thanks for helping me
Answer #9
If it comes to it, grab a copy of a screen recorder (my fav is Bandicam as it creates excellent quality video without fuss) and play the vid while capturing. I know this takes forever and prevents you from using your computer (unless you have a second monitor) while the recording is going on; however, you do get the lesson.


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