Help with camtasia studio

August 5th, 2016

I am trying to record some videos from website since I cannot download them. I am using camtasia studio but the problem is that I cannot get the audio work with the video. In short there is video without audio. Anyone knows how to set the audio as well? Please, understand that I do not want to record from microphone but from the website, i.e. streaming audio.
thank you for your help.

Answer #1
Follow these steps
1.) Google for Audacity and download it
2.) Install it (Its Freeware)
3.) While the Video is playing hit on record
4.) Once the video has finished click on “Stop recording”
5.) Save the .mp3 streaming File to ur desktop or elsewhere
6.) Open Windows Movie Maker(Installed on every Windows and is Free too)
7.) Drop the .mp3 and the Video File on this bar
Last step would be to click on “Publish Video” and save the Video File ..Movie Maker will do the rest
Answer #2
, thank you very much for you help. I will follow your instructions.
Answer #3
I cannot get the audio with camtasia. Any guidelines?
Answer #4
I just solved it. thank you for your posts


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