[help]Difficulties Applying Patch to Camtasia Studio

August 5th, 2016

Hello everyone. I recently downloaded Camtasia for Mac, and it came with a patch. I drug Camtasia to the Applications folder, then dropped the icon on the patch. It popped up and said “cannot apply patch”. Does this means it’s patched? What should I do? Please help.
Answer #1
Have you read the instructions correctly? Which thread did you download from?
Answer #2
Here is where I downloaded from:
Answer #3
Answer #4
I use a mac, and it says that it’s been removed from hotfile when I tried to download it.
Answer #5
Key link reuploaded !! Check it out now..:
Answer #6
I just need the serial keys right?
EDIT: I tried the keys, none worked. Camtasia studio Keys don’t work with Camtasia for Mac.


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