Help building a PC

August 5th, 2016

Hello members!
I currently own a laptop for all my virtual needs and was considering to move to a more powerful Desktop PC.
I was wondering if someone could help me build a PC with enough power to handle modern games (complex 3D gaming) and multi-media editing.
My budget range is around $700~$800.
I would really appreciate the help!
Thank you in advance!!

Answer #1
Where do you reside and do you want a monitor ?
Answer #2
I live in the US and I was planning on using my Samsung 32′ as a monitor.
Answer #3
Here’s what I came up with
Answer #4
Thanks !
I’ve only owned Intel CPU computers before.
How is AMD compared to intel?
Answer #5
800USD Intel i5 with DDR3 :>
Answer #6
Thank you .
Is there any casing you would recommend?
Answer #7
Coolermaster 690 – Top
Antec 300 Three Hundred Ultimate Gaming Case – Cheaper option
Answer #8
Thank you so much for all the help.
Answer #9
EDIT: 32″ HDTV yeh?
i read as a 30″ monitor that would make the HD5770 struggle. Nevermind… Wasted post.
Answer #10
Some of the parts were sold out on newegg.
How does this look?
Monitor will be my 32″ Sumsung HDTV
Answer #11
Pretty good, except I think a 1000W PSU is overkill, but, since there is $100 off, its all good.
Also, I personally dont like mATX Motherboards, as they are more restrictive (In my view), but, if you are fine with a mATX, no problems.
Answer #12
Ditch the ~love~ psu you dont want to kill your new build with a very cheap low qaulity psu get a nice 600 watt corasair and be happy ,second ditch the matx board for a gigabte ud3a-p55 if you have a normal case you dont want to pay extra fro a lesser small board do ya
Pm if you need more help
Answer #13
Thanks !
I've only owned Intel CPU computers before.
How is AMD compared to intel?

I would say that AMD Phenom IIx4 965 and Intel i5 750 shows similar performances on games, however i5 will lead while encoding. To be honest I didn’t try to fit a i5 actually (thinking it wouldn’t fit in 800$) That i5 system looks good however;
I would change the PSU to a better known brand, 1000W is also somewhat overkill
I recommended HD 4890 before because it offers more raw performance; you should choose between more performance and DX11.
Answer #14
Get a 600W PSU and upgrade ram to 8GB…..
Also consider Core i7860+ 6GB DDR3 ram. as an option…..
Answer #15
I think the i7 won’t fit in my budget for now.
I think I’ll stay with the i5 750.
Answer #16
Go for a 600W Corsair ;>
Answer #17
How does this look?
Answer #18
Looks sound, just a couple things you should concider.
Wich would be,..
1-Grab a decent aftermarket cooler for the i5 750
2-if you can pick up a spinpoint F3 HDD for the same price then swap the wd HDD for the faster spinpoint.
Answer #19
OEM Cooler is fine mate ;> Only if you intend in overclocking get aftermarket.
Spinpoint F3 (Newer) / F1
Western Digital Caviar Black
Seagate Barracuda 7200.12
Are your options
Answer #20
If you are not overclocking then there is no point buying half that stuff it in the first place
Answer #21
Answer #22
That wiki is irrelevent and incorrect in alot of places. But it’s besides the point.
What i ment is if there will be no overclocking then why is he paying extra for comonents that are designed to be overclocked when you could save and buy much cheaper kit that will do the same job at clock speeds.
Answer #23
He is not paying extra… They are standard Components some may have overclocking capability like everything these days… does not mean it has to be done…
Any you can use
For more info.
Answer #24
Like i said it’s irrelevent, the only dissadvantage would be the increase in power consumption.
That’s also a miniscule amount on your electric bill.
These chips are so cool running and energy efficiant that you can expect the same lifespan with a decent overclock as you can without. Either should far supass the expected time you would wish to keep a pc and even offer enlongated lifespan in the way of extra performance.. Here..
Overclocking is not the risk it was when half that stuff you have been reading was written.
EDIT: I guess it dosn’t matter either way
Answer #25
Sorry for all the pics.
Just wana make sure I’m getting something good for what I’m paying for
I’m right about to hit the order button.
Answer #26
SAMSUNG Spinpoint F3 not F1 ;>
Answer #27
EDIT: If I do plan on overclocking my i5, what CPU cooler would you reccomend???
Clicked the wrong one im my cart.
Added the F3 and ordered! Thanks for all the help!


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