LCD Monitor problem when temperature about 20C

August 1st, 2016

Hi all!
I have this weird problem with my Proview LCD monitor (pretty old one),
in summer at temperature around 30C it works great but when it comes to autumn around 20C it cant be turned on, it’s power led is yellow and when I try to turn it on manually, it turns green for a second and then goes back to yellow.
After about 20 tries usually it comes to life. Is there any component I can replace inside to fix that? Problem existed during the last winter and vanished at summer, now it comes back. Thanks in advance

Answer #1
Completely green/yellow or like blinds of the colors?
Answer #2
Green/yellow I mean about the power led, the monitor itself doesn’t turns on at all.
Answer #3
if it goes green it’s working more than likely
you check you cable connections, they may expand with the heat and shrink with the cold
Answer #4
It’s pretty old and it’s Monitor cable is integrated inside the monitor so It wont be easy to check the cable, maybe something else?
BTW, if it doesn’t get signal it supposed to tell me “No signal” and that is not happening.
Answer #5
you hook it up to another PC ?
is the monitor on all the time (yellow) or you completely power it down, no stand-by
it work right away if returning from stand-by
Is there any component I can replace inside to fix that?
maybe said cable is that component, it may even be a dirty/corroded connection inside
Answer #6
I tried to connect it to another pc the result is the same, when it goes off, that means I turn off the pc or it turns off by itself after 20 minutes of idle (after the screen saver) it would not turn on again if it cools down, if I turn it on right after it was turned off (that means it’s still warm) it works. I’ll try replacing the cable maybe it will really help, thank you.


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