Call of Duty 4:Modern Warefare installation problem

January 27th, 2020

I got CoD4, on two DVDs.
I start installing with and soon after the start I get this error:
Can someone help me, by uploading my missing file or help me how to install it anyway?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I am missing iw_05, 06, 07 and i think 0,8.

Answer #1
ok, there is a file missing from the CD (daaaah)
The point is: If you bought this game, you should go back and demand a new CD or refunds.
If you burnt it onto CD, try reburning it or somethin’.
Answer #2
Try this copy both the dvd’s in computer.If everything goes fine means both the dvd’s are copied then run the setup from there.Copy both the dvd in same folder..Sometimes Dvd reader or writer doesnotwork properly…
Answer #3
Too late, I’ve put both DVDs in Domestos. Tnx for help anyway!


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