Half Life 2 question

January 28th, 2020

I am at the first Chapter, Point Insertion, and I’ve just arrived with the Air Boat to some station where I (according to CheatBook) have to acquire the Combine Machine Gun formy Air Boat. The thing is, I can’t find any of it.
Can someone please help me?

Answer #1
hmmm i havnt played the game in a while, but from what i remember alyx pimps ur air boat and it gets a gun on it..
Answer #2
well, i haven’t get to Alyx yet, I am still alone.
Answer #3
anyone? i’m desperate!
Answer #4
maybe post a screenshot i’ll help?
Answer #5
At this point you should get down and the guy there will escort you to a room, while this happens a Alien thingy will be installing the Machine Gun for you, if this doesn’t happen and every thing kind of freezes then dont work, just a game glitch , restart from the nearest save and hope that it works, or get a game fix.
Answer #6
check here http://www.visualwalkthroughs.com/halflife2/halflife2walkthrough.htm
Answer #7
sorry i forgot since the last time i played hl2 was so long ago.


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