ohno usb screwed up

January 28th, 2020

i dont know what i did. i made my 4 gig USB drive bootable so i can check diagnostics tests on my laptop…then when i restarted my computer i looked in my drive and it said 1.96 gigs available..
i tried to format it but it wasnt clearing up any space. i looked threw drivers didnt see anything bad. wth how do i get my 2 gigs back????

Answer #1
Moving -
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Answer #2
i would use the hp usb utility
Answer #3
i would use the hp usb utility
cause i just so happen to own an hp computer…
Answer #4
u have a 2gig thumb drive and it says 1.96gig in windows?
im not sure but i think that 0.04 gig could either have never existed OR when u made it bootable, it repartitioned ur drive and the 0.04gig has gone to MBR and partition tables etc
in windows right click “my comp” “manage” “disk manager” select ur thumb drive and right-click all partitions and delete them (ONLY ON UR THUMB DRIVE) and once its ALLLLLLLLLL “unpartitioned space” create ONE big partition of 100% of the avail size
Answer #5
u have a 2gig thumb drive and it says 1.96gig in windows?
im not sure but i think that 0.04 gig could either have never existed OR when u made it bootable, it repartitioned ur drive and the 0.04gig has gone to MBR and partition tables etc
in windows right click "my comp" "manage" "disk manager" select ur thumb drive and right-click all partitions and delete them (ONLY ON UR THUMB DRIVE) and once its ALLLLLLLLLL "unpartitioned space" create ONE big partition of 100% of the avail size

noo..i meant i had a 4 gig drive and after making it bootable it now said 1.96 gigs total..
i try to reformat it and check total memory it keeps saying 1.96 gigs total
Answer #6
I would just buy a new one
Answer #7
u have a 2gig thumb drive and it says 1.96gig in windows?
im not sure but i think that 0.04 gig could either have never existed OR when u made it bootable, it repartitioned ur drive and the 0.04gig has gone to MBR and partition tables etc
in windows right click "my comp" "manage" "disk manager" select ur thumb drive and right-click all partitions and delete them (ONLY ON UR THUMB DRIVE) and once its ALLLLLLLLLL "unpartitioned space" create ONE big partition of 100% of the avail size

noo..i meant i had a 4 gig drive and after making it bootable it now said 1.96 gigs total..
i try to reformat it and check total memory it keeps saying 1.96 gigs total

its probably hacked memory, buying beware if its too good to be true.
guide on hacked memory, you can hack a 2gb to say 8gb real easy, but you will notice your data corrupts and when you format it, it go back to its real size.
in the guide above a person bought a usb flash drive off ebay, but the data corrupted alot so he checked and found out it was really a 2gb with hacked memory.
Answer #8
Wow, i never knew that, thanks for the info


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