pda repair ?

January 10th, 2017

hello all – i hope everyones enjoying their holiday.
i have a quick question about pda repair … i stupidly broke the screen of my ipaq pocket pc a few weeks ago, and the device has probably been out of warranty for years (not that the warranty could cover such a repair anyway)
i called hp and out-of-warranty repair service will cost a total of $180 + tax
not too bad … understandable i guess, but does anyone know of any third-party services that they trust that would perform this repair ? i’ve checked with firedog and geeksquad and a local pc repair shop and no one is willing to do it … only online pda repair sites advertise these services, but they all look really sketchy …
any ideas ?

Answer #1
you can get a new very nice one from ebay for that price with bluetooth and stuff mate
i suggest a new one
Answer #2
you can get a new very nice one from ebay for that price with bluetooth and stuff mate
i suggest a new one

+1 go for a new one


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