[SOLVED]program for makiing image previews of AVI. videos?

August 3rd, 2016

So yeah what can you recommend there ? surently tryied “video thumbnails maker” but for some reason it wont work now. fails .
Answer #1
image grabber, all those big porn sites use it to show off the best parts.
Answer #2
if you want thumbnails use media player classic, just open the movie and hit “file => save thumb”
but those screenshots are pretty much useless to be honest cause they don’t actually show the real quality of the movie
Answer #3
image grabber, all those big porn sites use it to show off the best parts.

exactly! haha Found out from a guy its a exelent source for rapid points so cant see why not to take advantage of that But image graber you say ? ill check it out. thx man .
Answer #4
yeah, you’ll definitely like it
Answer #5
nvm the MPC seams to work fine- thx guys


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