The game Arcania is moving in fast forward speed
February 4th, 2020
i have no clue where else to turn so i ask u guys –
i am having a very weird problem – the game runs in fast motion.
the official forums didnt provide any help.
i have no clue what to do. i have no solution in mind. none. and my problem is so unique that i think no one can help me but i can only hope.
please, if u have any ideas, post them.
i tried re-installing the demo and deleting any trace for it. installing the game and reinstalling it. tried different ATI drivers. tried original files and tried different cracks. different visual settings options.
oh god, this is so weird and frustrating.
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By default, game is limited to 50 FPS, maybe you somehow disabled that limit, or for some reason it is diabled, and if engine only compensates for lower FPS than 50,and not for higher this may be a problem.
Off the top of my head: try running the game in compatibility mode for any OS other than the one you’re using
I haven’t seen anything like this since planetside’s Intel CPU speedstepping problems.
There have been performance problems on certain machines for Arcania - Gothic 4
JoWooD Entertainment, BVT Group and Spellbound today release a hotfix for ArcaniA � Gothic 4, which distinctly increases performance on specific systems. This hotfix (about 15MB) is available via the Auto-Updater or can be installed manually.
It makes one wonder whether or not SecuROM has anything to do with it or if they put out code that wasn�t quite finished.
Reports indicate that the game had problems with everything from not even starting properly to the demo causing overheating on GPUs, the game and cinematics running too fast or too slow and some stability issues where the game itself is crashing.
The patch should fix many of these issues and some other known bugs that they�ve been working to squash.
Info from:
Off the top of my head: try running the game in compatibility mode for any OS other than the one you're using
ha! i can’t believe this – of all the random ideas ppl had THIS is the one that worked!! i tried all 4 compatibility options and ONLY win98 worked… sorta….
thank u so much!
the game runs like crap but i can’t tell if it’s because of the pre-patch state of it (can’t test the patch cuz there is no crack for it yet) or because games under win98 can’t run that well.
i will have to wait for a crack for the patch and see if it makes things any better. but this is definitely a step in the right direction! thanks a lot mate! i nearly lost all hope….
PS – thanks everyone who gave a shot at this. the more ppl throw ideas around the bigger the chance that a solution will come by…. and by chance it did ! thanks guys.
never mind. after trying to run the game a second time i got the game runnig fast and weird like before. the solution only worked once. im still in square one
Just a question, if you have other games, do the also run this fast?
nope. arcania is the only game i have ever saw that ran extra fast. it’s the weirdest phenomenon i’ve ever seen. im used to games crash, lock up, freeze and distort but fast forward? that’s a first.
Dude,the game sucks anyway,so just wait for the New Vegas
i liked the demo. it might be a game i will enjoy. i have no clue how two worlds 2 will turn out. the solution i thought worked didnt really work. for some reason after rebooting the computer the game runs too fast again. reinstalling didnt help. back to square one.
anyone else can offer suggestions?
i’d love to hear more. there is no way i can resolve this on my own so im kinda dependent on your ideas, mates.
Which Processor are you using Intel or AMD? because if it’s AMD then i think there’s a solution for your problem which can run the gameat normal speed..
I said in another thread that the SpeedHack feature on Cheat Engine may work as I used to use it for Saints Row 2 that ran twice its normal speed on Win7.
1. Install Cheat Engine (quick google search will find it for you)
2. Open Cheat Engine
3. Run Arcania and load your save game. When gameplay starts alt-tab out of it.
4. In the top left of cheat engine should be an icon of a PC that has the colour around it changing, click it and select Arcania.exe from the list.
5. On the far right of Cheat Engine should be the Option “Enable Speedhack”. Click the checkbox and afjust the slider to desired speed and click apply.
It may need a few attempts to get the speed right and remember to keep Cheat Engine open. Also this needs to be done every time you play the game. Inconvenient I know but if it works it’ll do for now.
okay here one thing you can try is start the game and then open up task manager then select the game exe right click on it then select set affinity and only select one possessors

Thats actually a very good answer, I used to do that when playing Sands of Time, Warrior Within and Two Thrones because they sped up when playing occasionally.
you should stop using hacks.
no really, i had this problem long ago when i had a dual core and was playing cs1.6. it turned out to be a missing driver (dual core optimizer its was). have you tried updating your drivers?
oops. double post
hey guys. again – thanks for trying to help.
Which Processor are you using Intel or AMD? because if it's AMD then i think there's a solution for your problem which can run the gameat normal speed..
nope. my cpu is intel :\
is there an equivalent solution for intel processors?
my rig is
CPU: Q6600
GPU: HD4870 512mb
OS: win xp sp3
heres something weird – today morning i tried to run the game and it actually ran flawlessly. even performance were great. i did nothing special to make this happen. but after about 1 hours of gameplay i got to a mission where the village orc asked me to fetch him some food (mushrooms) from a cave. the second i jumped down into the cave the fast farward thing was back. i exited the game, booted it up again and the speed bug is still here
maybe something is triggering it on and off? i have no idea what to think.
the cheatengine didnt work. the game still ran super fast with no change what so ever. i tried making it slower (speed of 0.01 even) and faster but whatever i did it had no effect.
choosing only 1 processor didnt help either. the game ran just as fast but with a lot less FPS. no cigar.
i updated my GPU and directX drivers. no luck. i even did a test for my CPU with a software called “linx” and that’s its log:
Intel(R) LINPACK 32-bit data – LinX 0.6.4
Current date/time: Thu Oct 14 13:21:54 2010
CPU frequency: 2.400 GHz
Number of CPUs: 4
Number of threads: 4
Parameters are set to:
Number of tests : 1
Number of equations to solve (problem size) : 10000
Leading dimension of array : 10008
Number of trials to run : 20
Data alignment value (in Kbytes) : 4
Maximum memory requested that can be used = 800844256, at the size = 10000
============= Timing linear equation system solver =================
Size LDA Align. Time(s) GFlops Residual Residual(norm)
10000 10008 4 27.263 24.4606 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 28.504 23.3954 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 29.313 22.7497 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 27.413 24.3269 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 28.437 23.4510 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 27.381 24.3549 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 27.870 23.9277 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 27.182 24.5336 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 27.980 23.8339 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 28.200 23.6477 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 27.550 24.2060 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 28.566 23.3451 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 29.010 22.9871 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 27.119 24.5905 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 27.730 24.0482 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 27.056 24.6479 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 27.715 24.0618 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 27.061 24.6430 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 27.444 24.2991 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
10000 10008 4 27.040 24.6618 1.059309e-010 3.735230e-002
Performance Summary (GFlops)
Size LDA Align. Average Maximal
10000 10008 4 24.0086 24.6618
End of tests
i dont know what this means. maybe one of u can tell me if the results are good or bad. one thing i can say – the heat beeper in my case went crazy during the test. poor cpu chip, was prolly burning in there.
Sorry i don’t have an equivalent solution for Intel processors..hope you’ll find the way to bring back the game to normal speed..
Sorry i don't have an equivalent solution for Intel processors..hope you'll find the way to bring back the game to normal speed..
that’s a shame. well, thanks’s so weird that this bug can sometimes not happen and then a few minutes later it comes back….
a let down. and it’s a bigger let down now that i read that pirates of the carrebean: armada of the damned got cancelled. two action RPGs i looked forward to.
Another thing you could try, if your using realtek audio drivers, reduce the sound quality to cd quality, or just close out of the Realtek application completely, initially mine and a few other ppls games wouldn’t boot because of it, with some luck it might be whats responsible for your speed problem
a let down. and it's a bigger let down now that i read that pirates of the carrebean: armada of the damned got cancelled. two action RPGs i looked forward to.
On the bright side, Fable III is heading over to PC some time before the end of this year
that's a shame. well, thanks's so weird that this bug can sometimes not happen and then a few minutes later it comes back.... a let down. and it's a bigger let down now that i read that pirates of the carrebean: armada of the damned got cancelled. two action RPGs i looked forward to.
Why don’t you just give a try to change your might be something with your windows Xp Sp3…
some legacy pc configs had a problem with games not having the vertical sync set to “always on”. The video drivers settings may be the problem…
Turn on v-sync. Try also turning on full antialiasing.
– umm…. apparently i dont know how to do what u said. how do i change my sound quality to CD?
also how do i close the realtek application completely?
– yeah, this idea is something i WILL do sometime, but not now. too much hastle to do that and i work with my home computer and it’ll take me days to recover all the lil apps i need for work, during that time i will be unemplyed and this ain’t the time for a few days off
– uh, what? am not really sure what the suggestion was. where do u think my V-sync is always on? in the catalyst center!? cuz i dont think there IS a v-sync settings there. or maybe u meant i should update my video driver, which i did, of course. i actually tried to go back a few drivers. boy, rebooting the comp’ twice with every installation of every driver i tried was a lot of fun, but i think i had enough the Arcania made it’s point. now im back to the newest drivers. and i know u didnt recommend me to disable v-sync in the game since the game doesnt have a v-sync option….. not that I could see.
i think i have a slight clue what the problem is. i think it’s my ATI driver. it’s the newest one and until i updated my old driver (i think it was 9.8 driver, whilst the newest one is 10.9) i ran the demo of arcania just fine but MOH had very very weird looking graphics. all blurred and strange.
since i updated to 10.9 drivers i installed arcania and it ran in fast motion but MOH runs great.
now i tried to uninstall the ATI driver using ATI’s catalyst uninstaller from here:
i uninstalled the driver, restarted and reinstalled my older driver (9.8 and even 9.7) but arcania still is weird.
however, and im not sure this is supposed to be like this, the MOH game, even on driver 9.8 still runs great.
if i installed the older drivers that previously couldnt run MOH, how come these same drivers can run it now?
could it be that i didnt manage to uninstall the older drivers properly? maybe there are still traces of the old driver there and it’s causing arcania to malfunction?
on top of that, usually after i uninstall the ATI driver windows becomes sluggish. i can barely drag windows around the desktop without them moving choppy. after uninstalling my 10.9 drivers using the catalyst uninstaller (and BEFORE reinstalling older patch), not only that windows didnt become sluggish i could still run GTAIV and MOh just fine!
isn’t the lack of driver right after uninstalling (and restarting) supposed to mean i can’t run games?!
another small evidence that makes me believe that im still running on 10.9 drivers instead of the older 9.8 drivers is that GTAIV performes better with 9.8 drivers. after installing 10.9 it ran slower for me. now, that im SUPPOSEDLY running on 9.8 drivers GTAIV still runs as poorly as it does on 10.9.
SO(!), my question is –
how can i uninstall my ati drivers without a trace for sure? (dont say format the computer. just dont).
and how can i be absolutely sure i uninstalled my ATI drivers properly after uninstallation before installing new ones?
and lastly – how can i know which ATi driver im using atm?
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just bumping this baby just in case a pair of fresh eyes can suggest something before i give the DVD to a friend and forget about it.
You don’t have to disable any CPU core or download any tweak.
All you need is this:
Freeware + Works on all Windows.
Reduce the speed when required.

All you need is this:
Freeware + Works on all Windows.
Reduce the speed when required.
thanks, buddy, but i really dont think this will work.
all it will probably do is reduce my frame rate but the speed will probably remain the same. wither that or it will do nothing at all like the other speed hack i was offered.
i will try it though. need to DL the demo for that (yeah, after i installed the game the demo started going fast on me as well. strange).
anyone else with ideas?!