My PC wont show anything..

August 23rd, 2013

Okay, this might be a tittle too long.
Ive had this PC since August, and it never quite worked since that time..
When i first got it, it didnt show anything on my monitor, so had to change its Motherboard, still same thing happened, it sometimes worked, sometimes it just started but no screen on my monitor, sometimes it just restarts as many times he wants, when im on my Desktop doing nothing, when the Boot Screen pops up, all the time..
I’ve also also changed the HDD, the RAM sticks, but still that ~lol~ happend, ive also changed my PSU Yesterday and it worked fine during these 24hours, but now the same thing is back, i tested the new PSU on other PC’s and it seems to be working great..
My Graphics Card is Integrated if that makes any changes..
Ive also scanned my system with memtest, no errors found!
Oh, and the reason why i didnt throw this peiece of crap from my balcony is because ive already bought way too much things on it, ive Changed the Motherboard,RAMs,HDD,PSU, thats more than 100Euros in total..
So, if you have any ideas then please help me out, thank you.

Answer #1
i wud advice u to get professional guy to assemble the stuff u have bought
it wud be better that way,u might corrupt ur hardware trying to do so,trust me i have destroyed my RAM’s
Answer #2
Try using a cheap video card.
Answer #3
Any other suggestions?
Answer #4
I find your post very confusing,What’s the current state of your PC? On the title you mentioned you don’t see anything,Then
on the post you said it randomly restarts so I’m quite puzzled.
Answer #5
Well it sometimes starts and works fine but sometimes it just stays frozen..
Answer #6
By frozen you mean what exactly? And at what stage does this occur?
Answer #7
It dosen’t freeze, it actually restarts, when it works it restarts, it never freezes, it occurs anytime really, before it shows the boot screen, after it shows the boot screen, after it shows the desktop, even 10minutes later..
Oh, and sometimes it works without any restarts at all…
Answer #8
I see,Anyways,RAR up all files from the minidump folder (c:\windows\minidump) and upload to mediafire so I could look into it.
Answer #9
It is quite confusing as Roberto has pointed out, it sounds like one of those problems that is difficult to diagnose without actually seeing it.
The only thing you haven’t changed is the CPU ?
Do you have anything else connected to the mobo that could be faulty, eg. optical drive (try disconnecting it)
Answer #10
Might be the CPU. It’s extremely rare but it’s 100% possible.
Answer #11
Well the thing is that right now its not booting up lol, its just showing No Signal..
Answer #12
You really should’ve mentioned that before!
Anyways,Try resetting the BIOS,Unplug the power cord then remove the motherboard battery (using a small flat screwdriver)
leave it out for at least 10 minutes then put it back in (with the + sign on top of course),Re-plug the cord and power up.
Answer #13
So i removed the CMOS battery and let it disconnected for like 13minutes, powered up, reseted BIOS Defaults, now it just sometimes keeps restarting some times i get no display on my monitor, basicly same as before..
Answer #14
Do a little test,Adjust the time/date from BIOS,Save & Exit,Then enter it again and check if it really saved it.
Answer #15
Hmmm, it seems to be working now, ill keep you guys updated if this happens again, if you dont mind.
Roberto, thank you mate, youre a legend around here!
EDIT: After two minutes of working,, it just keeps restarting once again!
Answer #16
Do the test I mentioned on my previous post,Also provide those minidump files I asked for.
Answer #17
Roberto400 replied: Do the test I mentioned on my previous post,Also provide those minidump files I asked for.
Yes the time and date seems to be working fine, i just checked them out, and there is no minidump folder neither any files on my C:/ Drive..
Answer #18
radioActivesco replied: Yes the time and date seems to be working fine
That’s good,Means the battery is in good condition.
radioActivesco replied: Yand there is no minidump folder neither any files on my C:/ Drive.
Uh,C drive? As I previously mentioned they should be at the c:\windows\minidump folder.
If you don’t have it,Create it and follow this guide:
Hopefully you’ll have some files there next time it happens.
Answer #19
what mobo is it
what CPU do you have
do you get a startup beep every time you power it up
when you boot with everything disconnected except CPU, 1 stick of ram, PSU & monitor what happens
if you pull the ram out do you get beeps when you try to boot
is there a “reset_CMOS” jumper on the mobo
try resetting the BIOS with that
Answer #20
Roberto400 replied: radioActivesco replied: Yes the time and date seems to be working fine
That's good,Means the battery is in good condition.
radioActivesco replied: Yand there is no minidump folder neither any files on my C:/ Drive.
Uh,C drive? As I previously mentioned they should be at the c:\windows\minidump folder.
If you don't have it,Create it and follow this guide:
Hopefully you'll have some files there next time it happens.
Ffs man. Windows 7 or Vista wont have a minidump folder. Not that it would matter anyway since it’s a problem beyond the OS.
Answer #21
-paroxysM^ replied: Windows 7 or Vista wont have a minidump folder.
Not by default anyway,But it can be created and manually configured to make minidumps!
-paroxysM^ replied: Not that it would matter anyway since it's a problem beyond the OS.
I know it’s a hardware problem,However it’s a very complex one and you are mistaken,It certainly
would matter,Minidumps are also useful in diagnosing hardware problems,Not only software,Granted
it’s not exact science sometimes but at the very least it’d help narrow it down.


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