Willing to share more stuff & faster but ..

January 26th, 2020

Hi im willing to share more stuff, but theres a part thats really slowing me down :
1 .- Movie Thumbnails: I think i loose too much time making the screenshots , was using thumbnailme, and i have to manually load each movie, 2 times as it doesnt have an option to select n� of screenshots, and (here comes the bad part) before making the 2 screenshot, i have to manually rename the first screenshot because if not the stupid thumbnailme overwrites it with the same name.
Uploading the screenshots, manually uploaded them , open ffox –> pimpmyhost, browse,select each screenshot. Wait , sometimes this takes to long and eventually hangs, so i have to repeat this step. After theyre done, click on each of the screenshots, open in new tab, and manually copy and paste the links.
I think maybe this could be made somehow faster or semiautomatic??
I tried movieThumbnailer mtn , via cmd, and its faster than using thumbnailme becasue i saved a batch to do a full directory in one click and takes 2 screens, but the problem with moviethumbnailer is it fails with a lot of x264 files.
I hope someone nice could help & guide me a little bit … Thanks

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