Mystery Error Icon

August 4th, 2016

I know it looks familiar, but I just can’t place it. This pops up on a friends computer every boot.

Answer #1
Can’t you right click on the icon for more info?
Otherwise look in task manager to identify the task being used.
Or do a “msconfig” or use CCleaner to see what startup with windows..
Answer #2
Next time I’m over at their house, I’m upgrading the machine because it’s got a Celeron with half a gig of RAM and runs too slow to check or do anything. I’ll check after the upgrade.
Answer #3
If you do much of an upgrade it would be a good idea to do a fresh windows anyhow..
Answer #4
Regardless of having a old computer, installing a fresh version of Windows every now and then is a good idea.
Answer #5
the icon looks like a music note.
Maybe the error is a missing sound file that plays a startup tune?
Maybe the error is with the sound card itself/drivers/etc?
Answer #6
I wish I could do a clean Windows install, but they have software they use that they lost the discs for. -.-
Anyway, maybe it is sound related. Maybe like a soundmax/realtek driver tray program.
Answer #7
have a look in event viewer to see if an error is logged – it might just be a bad file somewhere.


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