Windows problems rly need help

August 22nd, 2013

i had vista before on desktop and at bootup if i pressed shift+f11 it would load up the system restore/repair stuff
now i have windows7 and this doesnt work and i rly need the repair… because i cannot open my computer on icon wit desktop or in start menu same with other stuff like my documents…
been googling all morning -.- plz any1?

Answer #1
You can forget about using your recovery partition,These use a special boot code on the MBR which was overwritten
when you manually reinstalled Windows 7 which is why it’s no longer working,You would have to do a full blown
manual reinstall,Which I assume you already know how to do as you’ve done it before (But feel free to correct me if I’m wrong
and I’ll give you further guidance),Now about your data,It’s not lost and can still be saved by booting from a live OS,I recommend
you use slacko:
You’ll need to burn it using imgburn (go with the “write image file to disc” option),Then on the PC in question,Enter the
BIOS (usually done by tapping DEL after powering up,But do notice the text on the bottom of the screen),Adjust the boot
device priority accordingly (the DVD drive has to be first),Before you save & exit,Insert the disc,The rest is obvious.
Backup your data to a secondary partition (if any) or an external hard drive using copy & paste,Your partitions will appear as SDAx on
the desktop (Do note that in slacko,A single click is enough,Don’t double click on stuff)
Answer #2
btw when i had the old pc i had vista ..shift+f11 worked then i installed windows7 there still worked…
now i got new pc completely… thats my thing :/
i dont want to reinstall windows… i just want to repair
because i got problem..
cant open my computer my documents and ” Links” in toolbar… im glad i can open radio now for music from start menu lol
Answer #3
Follow this guide:
Scroll down to Option two
Edit: I forgot to mention that there are no guarantees it’d work,It’s quite possible that this problem is caused
by a virus and these can find their way into system restore points,Or completely disable it even,A fresh reinstall
might be the last resort. And just so you know,Unbranded Desktop PCs you buy from a PC shop never come
with a recovery partition!


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