win xp sp3, installing questions plz help @ 5 posts

August 4th, 2016

link 2 where im downloading sp3, if its not the best feel free 2 offer another link
ok, im ready to upgrade my little laptop to sp3 and of course ive got some Q’s as i have never needed to upgrade till now:
1. will this installation reformat my laptop/will i need 2
2. this is an ASUS laptop, will i need different drivers at all or if it does reformat should i just install the drivers of the drivers dvd
3. please provide simple steps as i dont want 2 get confused and wined back up ere again bugging u guys from others troubles
thanks, any side notes welcome

Answer #1
installing a service pack should not format your hdd, the post you linked to however is a fresh version of windows xp which if you install will format your hdd, try and find a donwload of JUST sp3 if you dont want to format.
Answer #2
u dont have to format , but u should , it will be all crappy if u dont do that , its same as SP 2 , just more stable and better , dont worry mate … no problems with network , laptops or drivers , all the same as it was
Answer #3
ye dude you don’t have to format you hhd tho sometimes i think its best to get junk off you lappy. You souldn’t have a problem with your drivers its just the same as any xp with only a few updates hope i help ;D
Answer #4
You just install it and it should work, I’m assuming the copy you get is fully cracked otherwise it will ask you to verify your Windows is legit. I am assuming its not otherwise why download from WBB? Use M$ site to download updates if your copy is legit or bypasses WGA. BTW if i was you i would backup important stuff to a cd or external HDD, do back up of drivers with Driver Genius. You dont have to, but its always good to back up stuff when you do big things that can impact Windows. As far as I know SP3 is stable now and should work with all PC’s but you never know.
Answer #5
thanks but just 1 question, u say that this one will wipe the hd, can u show me 1 that doesnt?
Answer #6
Is your current copy legit? or a cracked version? if its legit just get the sp3 update from the M$ site. If it’s cracked, all versions of windows xp here will wipe out your data because you’ll have to do a complete install.
Answer #7
oh, well thats fine then, its legit, ive heard all different stories, i thought it would actually cost money lol
Answer #8
oh, well thats fine then, its legit, ive heard all different stories, i thought it would actually cost money lol
but here,it is FREE!
Answer #9
oh, well thats fine then, its legit, ive heard all different stories, i thought it would actually cost money lol
Na, just go to the M$ update site an install sp3 from there. no money involved
Answer #10
well, i’ve try 3 different XP SP3
this one im using right now, running smooth, and I like the themes
I also try this, run very well too
I also try this earlier, run very smooth because its lite version
now it’s up to you to choose which SP3 is fit with you
Answer #11
i am running legit, should i use the 1st one, i cant get m$ site 2 work properly cause IE isnt working (goes unresponding) and im using FF3
i really do like the look of the features of the 1st one, if i get this, will it work 4 me as i said i have a legit one and i would prefer it 2 stay legit
Answer #12
well, I don’t know about being legit, cause I never had one


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