August 9th, 2016
I have an HP G60t-200
the wifi card is an Atheros 5007
Can someone help me please?
Make sure you’re re-entering the correct WEP key into the laptop, not using a stored one. Try connecting to another encrypted network, maybe a friend’s. If that doesn’t work, try a hard reset on the router, usually a hidden button on it somewhere.
Did it all already and nothing happened.
WPA is quite a bit more resource intensive and some of the early implementations of it had some difficulty in keeping up, resulting in infrequent disconnects how is the reliablity on no encryption? did you check to see if neighbours are on the same channel as your wireless? maybe someone next door got a router or changed channel to yours, that would explain it straight away look at your nearby strongest AP’s and choose a channel at least 3 away from it, and i think you will find it will be much better
Nah I changed it where its just Im the only one using the channel in the neighborhood. I still cant get it to work though any thoughts?