Widows 7 partitions

July 25th, 2016

Hi. Installed windows 7 on my laptop and its great. But, i’m having problems with drivers(like other pcs). I decided to make a new partition and to install Xp(dual boot). On xp i gonna install drivers and on win7 to keep media stuff. I got two questions. First will a new parition delete all my stuff on primary partition. Second Can i install drivers on xp and use it on win7. Thanks in advance…
Answer #1
I think you are talking about dual boot…
Drivers for windows 7 will not work on XP..Go to your motherboard manufacturer and download XP drivers..
If you install XP after Windows 7 you will only be able to boot to XP..
To get your dual boot..Install XP then boot with your Windows 7 install disk and go on repair my computer..
The option is just after you select the language..At the bottom of the page…
Answer #2
I wanna use on win7 Xp drivers installed on Xp. I mean dual boot. will a new parition delete all my stuff on primary partition?
Answer #3
I wanna make new partition with partition magic. DOES IT DELETE MY FILES?
Answer #4
Please do not double post…
Your choice of Partition Tools is not good…That software is out of date and might mess up your system all together..
Use “Acronis Disk Director” instead…
You need to clarify…Do you have free space in your HD or you need to resize the existing partition?
Answer #5
I got enough space. Acronis doesnt work. I’am just asking does it delete my files on primary partition.
Answer #6
Nope..Creating a new partition will not effect any existing partition..
If you have use a different Partition Tool..But I advise not to use Partition Magic..
Answer #7
I’m surprised you can’t find all the drivers…Sometimes you can do an update and find them from Microsoft.
I don’t know why you are having trouble with Acronis Disk Director…You could try Paragon Disk Manager…(NOT Partition Magic!!)
Or you could probably use Disk Management in Windows 7 to shrink your exiting partition and them make a new partition out of the free space.
No you can’t use the XP drivers if you are booted into 7 because the operating systems are separate and can’t access the same drivers!
Here is all the instructions about dual booting..


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