Which programming language to learn for string manipulation

August 5th, 2016

I need to learn a language for string manipulation. I basically have a text file with a list of items. I need to delete the strings after a certain point. For example:
I have in my text file.
you are a chicken- Don’t come here again.
you are a human- Please come in.
You are a dog- Go away.
In this example, i would like everything after the dash “-” to disappear so the text file would look like.
you are a chicken-
you are a human-
You are a dog-
Thanks for any input.

Answer #1
you can do it almost many latest high level languages like C or Java but the complexity of the program required will vary depending on your language and i think its easier to learn Java not completely but if you know the basics of any programming language it will help learning java easily and if you know C basics then its like you already know half of Java
Answer #2
I started by learning C++, but I found Java much easier to get working in the ways that I wanted.
Answer #3
Java and C? anything simpler or easier to learn lol. I’m hoping something like autoit, or dos batch file or something along those lines. I mean I know all programming languages can do string manipulation but I’m looking for the easiest to learn.
Answer #4
Python (:
Answer #5
You’ve already mentioned it, AutoIT could do what you want very easily because it can use regular expressions which could very easily change the text in the way that you want.
Answer #6
Ok I did it with excel lol. Thanks for the replies.
Answer #7
yes Python is the best(as i ve heard t frm gurus
) for string manipulation…
Answer #8
I would suggest to use either c++ or java


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