Which earbuds should I get?

August 6th, 2016

Ok I’m only interested in getting earbuds so with that being said, which are the best QUALITY earbuds for my ipod?
I am buying them from WalMat since I have a giftcard. Please check the link out.
Please tell me what you believe is the best quality.

Answer #1
All I can say is the JVC marshmallows are crap.
Just make sure you get a set of earbuds that have interchangeable sizes for the buds.
Hands down, I love my JVC Flats — comfortable & a beautiful sound! http://www.walmart.com/ip/JVC-On-Ear-Flats-Design-Black/14562441
…then spend the rest of your card on something else worth having.
Answer #2
Nothing at Walmart is going to be any good, to be honest.
Answer #3
Get the good stuff.
Answer #4
Moved from Off-Topic to Helpdesk.
Answer #5
Get some sennheiser earbuds and you’re set.
Answer #6
Some sennheisers cx300 I think they are no more than �15 in the UK. I have some bose ie2 and there awesome but they cost is high
Answer #7
Don’t buy earbud of quality(I mean those at a 200$ price) , since anyway your music in your Ipod is encoded in the MP3 format , even at 320kbps bitrate , you could have the best earphone in the world , i’m sure they would be 10% better than a 5$ pair.
First if you are a clumsy or agitate person you might want to consider to spent less on something you could broke easily or lost easily.
If you are like me and take care of your stuff , get something that look good quality to at least last you more than 6month.
Now what’s it’s awesome these day with earbud is that they come with different shape of bud , which is something you must first check because our ears are all different so you might not be able to put certain size of bud in your ear and be comfortable with.
The built :
Flat one , I don’t like those I’ve bought one pair because they where cheap , the sound was really good , but unfortunately It was really not comfortable.
Bubble (those like JVC mashmallow) , I never owned a model like that , because I always thought that it slip too easily from the ear , which is really irritating
Mushroom : Those look more like the one that come with the Ipod , most of them come in 3 different size , small medium and big. I found those to be my favorite because they normally a bit disconnect from the actual “earphone” so they stay more in place.
Other size : I’ve see some others size , like a cone , I never tried those model.
But are essential because that’s what will define the comfort , guessing you get at least your earphone on for couple hours of day , this is important.
As I said before the built quality is still important depending on for how much long you want to keep your earbud. Another point to check is the length of the cable do you really need 6″ of cable? but 1″ might be too short? Or not? some people kept they ipod attach to they upper arm , less cable doesn’t mean bad!
How each end are made:
The jack part must be gold , that’s the case with 90% of the jack now.. gold is just a better conductor
The plastic near and around the jack , curved or straight ? I don’t think that really matter , that’s just a personal opinion . I’d say it depend where you put your mp3 player(or any device you intend to use) the corner jack might get in the way when putting in some pocket while the straight jack might be uncomfortable when you sit down (if you wear tight jean/pants or have your mp3 player on the belt).
The plastic on the earbud side: This is really important , it need to look hard because while you use your earbud you’ll start to notice that more than one time you actually put some weight by pulling them from your ear , you don’t want them to loose and broke the wired inside. That’s what the small disk (normally on the jack side) are meant for. (Like I would avoid the Kicker premium , those look really fragile)
Noise Isolation :
This is becoming more and more popular , people need to only hear they music and nothing else.
Yeah I understand it’s really awesome , I mean you are alone in a restaurant or any place and don’t want to hear every chat around while sipping your coffee and reading your favorite wbb section. But keep in mind that if you aren’t vigilant of your environment you could hurt yourself or others. While walking on street or in public place , being aware of your surrounding is really important , what if someone try to warn you to not go there? Or a car that suddenly loose control. Or simply someone asking for help?
I know that most of the noise cancellation earbud aren’t that noise cancelling , but keep in mind that even if you can ear a bit of your surrounding the less you ear the less you are aware of what’s going on around you.
That’s why I normally keep 1 ear off just to still be aware.
Microphone: This is only needed if you are actually using a phone or need to record yourself , but keep in mind that this might greatly affect the price because the quality this time depend on the microphone , your voice (depending of your need) have to be heard or recorded in good quality.
Volume/play control: Another useful accessory , but do you really need it , I mean is it that hard to just slip your hand in your pocket and hit the next button than somewhat have to find the small remote control button. Plus most of the time it’s just an extension , so that mean much wired to proceed.
Now the big decision maker , the price
You can spent how much you like , this is your decision , it’s your money ! In my experience and opinion earbud are not eternal and tend to easily break. So I wouldn’t pay more than 20-30$ .
I own a pair of JVC that come with a small rounded zipped case , paid about 20$ and they last (still using it) more than my last pair (Iskin) that cost me 80$
Quickly having to make a choice just by looking at them , I’d get those : JVC In-Ear Air Cushion Design
For those who consider getting headphone
I had many pair of headphone in my life and I can assure you that over the years I’ve notice some change in my what type I bought years after years.
Leather , It look good , but wearing that over a long period a time , it get hot and make your ears sweat a lot. And during cold weather it can crack easily
I suggest you micro fiber , it breath and it’s less hot. Downside , it might itch you a bit since hair can be caught easily in it
The arc over the head :
Double small arc tend to crack easily when spread the headphone on your head , plus it’s more fragile if you step on it accidentally or drop them
Big padded arc :
This is a good choice , it’s comfortable and really though and most of the time it mimic the shape of your head
Big plastic arc :
I would avoid that , since it’s mostly like the double arc , but a bit more strong , still it don’t mimic the shape of your head really good and don’t offer good support
The Combo (big plastic with a metal/plastic support over it):
I can’t say anything bad about that , I own a pair of old (I have a memory blank..) anyway they are about 15 years old and they still work , but I’ve kept them in a box since the headphone are bit too small ….
Anyway this act mostly just like the Big padded arc , but it’s normally more though and hard to bend
IF :
This is probably to avoid , since the signal can be lost easily and any object that pass in between you and the receiver cut the signal.
Wireless :
It’s a good way to be cordless , unless you have many wireless device , some might encounter glitch by using the same frequency (ghz)
In my opinion , yes you have a cord running around , but you signal never cut , it never bugs. It’s just a matter of how much strong the cable is and how you actually take conscience of how much long you have. If you are conscious that you have , example , 2 feet of cord between you and the mp3 player , you shouldn’t have problem of getting it tangled everywhere.
That’s about it.. last advice I can tell you is to actually ask the guy if they have a demo model and try it with your ipod , try different song , more bass , more vocal etc.
Answer #8
Specify a budget
Answer #9
I got a pair of sennheiser cx150 and they have brilliant sound and have lasted me a long time. the are very coomftable and are only just above the $16 mark.
Answer #10
Sennheiser manufactures the best headphones at cheap rates.. If you have the $$$ then go for BOSE, though i never had used their headphones, but i own one of their Home-Theater system, and the sound is unbelievably real!
Answer #11
Skullcandy earbuds are the best earbuds I’ve ever used. 20 dollars at FYE.
Answer #12
my budget is like less than $25. thanks for the inputs!
Answer #13
For $25 or less. The MEElectronics M9 hands down
Also, when in doubt, Head-Fi
Answer #14
I see some great suggestions, but I also see everyone (minus DC) ignoring a very important piece of the original post:
I am buying them from WalMart since I have a giftcard.
Answer #15
^ I know man. Can someone recommend me them from WALMART? Very Happy


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