Which 120 GB SSD?

January 30th, 2020

Which 120 GB SSD do you recommend? Is Kingston V300 good? What about Intel 330?
Answer #1
Personally I’d choose (and did) after a fair bit of research, Samsung 840 Pro 128GB
Answer #2
Corsair Force Series GS 128GB get’s my vote. Best sequential read/write performance in compare to the others mentioned.
Answer #3
Corsair Force Series GS 128GB get's my vote. Best sequential read/write performance in compare to the others mentioned.
Arent random read/write speeds more important for an OS disk?
Answer #4
Corsair Force Series GS 128GB get's my vote. Best sequential read/write performance in compare to the others mentioned.
Arent random read/write speeds more important for an OS disk?

For SSD’s the higher the number of IOPS the better.


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