Whats the input lag like on the LG 50PZ250T plasma?

August 5th, 2013

because apparently the more the Hz it adds input lag and reduces the motion on fast moving scenes i play mortal kombat mostly and runs at 60fps 60hz its a ps3?
the lg 47 450u led is shocking when playing online i had one its ready to go back im thinking of getting this above

Answer #1
It will have extremely horrid input lag since it’s got a 600Hz interpolated refresh rate. The interpolated refresh rate creates an optical illusion of a smoother picture at a cost of input lag. To get lower input lag get a regular 60Hz TV or at the very least a 120Hz. Do note, There are no true 120Hz TVs yet alone 600Hz. There are however true 120Hz computer monitors that goes up to 27″.
Answer #2
can it be disabled the hz with the tru motion option?
Answer #3
Yeah you can disable it but there are other stuff unrelated to that which can cause input lag as well which we have no way of accurately knowing without owning one. An LCD TV nowadays with it’s over the top processing and useless features make gaming on one a living hell. You’d think a PS3 is bad try hooking up a PC to it and playing an FPS I assure you that you’ll want to throw a chair at the screen.


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