whats the difference

August 5th, 2016

what is the difference between these two games?

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Answer #1
Simply enough, Capcom have more games than just street fighter . Few difference marvel chars.
* Blackheart
* Captain America
* Cyclops
* Hulk
* Omega Red
* Shuma-Gorath
* Spider-Man
* Wolverine
[edit] Street Fighter side
* Akuma (Gouki in Japan)
* Chun-Li
* Dan
* Dhalsim
* Ken
* M. Bison (Vega in Japan)
* Ryu
* Sakura
* Zangief
Marvel side
* Spider-Man
* Captain America
* Hulk
* Wolverine
* Venom
* Gambit
* War Machine
[edit] Capcom side
* Ryu
* Chun-Li
* Zangief
* Mega Man
* Jin
* Morrigan
* Strider Hiryu
* Captain Commando
Answer #2
sorry which characters for which game? and is there any other differences?
Answer #3
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