What is name of this movie

August 6th, 2016

I know it will be hard to find this movie coz i know just one scene, but i guess is enugh for someone who did watch it..
Its horror movie yeare about 2005-2007. They stole The coffin and they are transporting into plane they think theres alot of gold in coffin but turns out is vampire, one guy somehow open coffin take golden + and vampire wake up and kills all in plane…
thats all i know about that movie, so can anyone guess whatss name of it?

Answer #1
Dracula 2000 has a very similar plot to that, not sure if that’s what you’re talking about? (it was released in 2000 though).
Answer #2
Yeah almost same, but is not that one. Thanks anyway
Answer #3
Not sure if you’d know name if seen it, so see if this link is any help.

Answer #4
Still no luck
Answer #5
maybe they can help you


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